Offering French language classes, promoting French culture and cultural diversity
A celebration of the French language and Francophone culture from all around the world.
On 15 March, the Alliance Française de Brunei Darussalam inaugurated the celebration of La Francophonie with the Semaine de la Francophonie, which ran from the following day, 16 March, to 26 March.
The week is anchored on 20 March, the day on which the International Day of La Francophonie is celebrated each year. This year, it marks the first stage in the celebration of the Francophonie in 2024, in the run-up to the Francophonie Summit which will begin on 4 October.

Let's celebrate La Francophonie!
On the occasion of:
International Francophonie Day (Journée Internationale de la Francophonie) on 20th March 2023
French Language and Francophonie Week (la semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie) from 18th to 26th March, 2023
The Short Film Festival (La Fête du court métrage) from 15th to 21st March, 2023

The International Day of La Francophonie is celebrated through a private event with the support of the French Embassy in Brunei.
During the Francophonie month, Concours de la Plume d’Or took place at Alliance Française de Brunei Darussalam.
Quizzes and facts were also shared on AFBD social networks from March 20 until March 31.

This year's celebration of Francophonie featured the collaboration between local theatre production, 247 Studios, and Eric Raisina, French designer based in Cambodia, in bringing an exclusive fashion play titled '8 Women' to life.
'8 Women' was originally a play by Robert Thomas, written in 1958 and brought to the screen by François Ozon in 2002.

The grand event of 2019 Francophonie celebration featured Eric Raisina, French designer based in Cambodia.
The celebration is continued with French Pastry Baking Contest and Drawing Contest for Kids held simultaneously at Mabohai Shopping Complex.