Offering French language classes, promoting French culture and cultural diversity

On 15 March, the Alliance Française de Brunei Darussalam inaugurated the celebration of La Francophonie with the Semaine de la Francophonie, which ran from the following day, 16 March, to 26 March. The week is anchored on 20 March, the day on which the International Day of La Francophonie is celebrated each year. This year, it marks the first stage in the celebration of the Francophonie in 2024, in the run-up to the Francophonie Summit which will begin on 4 October.

The Francophonie Summit in 2024 will be a major event in France, the previous Summit having been hosted in 1991. It will be reserved for heads of state and delegations from the 88 member, associate and observer countries of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. The Summit's work will be guided by the following theme: "Creating, innovating and undertaking in French", covering political, economic, digital, cultural and identity-related issues, with creativity and entrepreneurial capacity in the diversity of the French-speaking world at the heart of the event.
The economic and digital dimensions will be very present, as will innovation and youth, positioning the French-speaking world as an added value and a useful network.

The Olympic and Paralympic Games, the reopening of Notre-Dame and the many events organised through the Festival de la Francophonie, in France, internationally and online, will demonstrate the richness of French-speaking cultures.
The theme of sport will be the focus of communications and the sharing of the French language, starting with the 'Dis-moi dix mots' initiative, with little stories inspired by these ten words to be discovered and read.
Over the next few days, the Alliance Française de Brunei Darussalam will be hosting the monthly Cine-club on 21 March, with short films, and the following week a Ciné-kids. At the end of May, after Hari Raya, and open to the public, there will be a Francophone cinema.
A festival of the French language and culture will be held in France and throughout the French-speaking community in member and associate states and governments, and beyond on an international scale. But it will also be dematerialised: from 20 March 2024, social networks and the Internet will be used to offer online experiences to celebrate the French-speaking world.
The Alliance Française de Brunei Darussalam will be sharing these initiatives with you.
The Summit and Festival communication platforms will be deployed from 20 March:
On the websites and
and on three social networks: X, Instagram and Facebook
Keep updated: follow us on on our social media:
Instagram : afbrunei
Facebook : Alliance Française de Brunei Darusssalam
Did you know?
La Francophonie is an organization made up of 88 members (54 full members, 7 associate members, 27 observer members) which brings together countries sharing the French language. The International Day of La Francophonie is celebrated each year on March 20.
The Francophonie Summit is the highest body of the multilateral Francophonie. It brings together every two years the heads of state and government of the members of the organization.
It is one of the two major events being prepared in France in 2024. In addition to the Olympic Games which will take place this summer, the Francophonie Summit will be organized at the Cité internationale de la langue française in Villers-Cotterêts, on 4 next October.
The last Summit was held in Djerba (Tunisia) in November 2022. France hosted the I Summit (Versailles, 1986) and the IV Summit (Paris, 1991).
The Château de Villers-Cotterêts is a highly symbolic place for the French language because in 1539 it hosted the signing by François I of the ordinance which declared French the official language for legal acts in France.